Author: admin_portfolio

Hello, my name is John Ledford. I have been seriously engaged in marketing, graphic, web, print and motion design since 2003. I enjoy creating clean, modern identities of any nature for clients, myself, friends and family. I’m constantly striving to improve my and abilities in all aspects of design. A few applications I excel at are: Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Cinema 4D, HTML/CSS, WordPress, Bootstrap, Shopify, Mailchimp, Marketing and SEO. Before engaging into the world of graphic design I was once a professional snowboarder. I was honored to have the opportunity to travel, compete and do shows around the world. Some of my favorite memories were performing in Japan, Korea and the United States. I was lucky enough to be sponsored by Budweiser, Morrow Snowboards, Spy glasses to name a few that helped support me on these adventures. Other hobbies I enjoy are rock climbing, skateboarding, pool and watching football.